Who is Stitch?
Lilo & Stitch, produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation in 2002, revolves around two characters. The first is a six-year-old Hawaiian girl named Lilo Pelekai. Orphaned, she is raised by her older sister, Nani, after the death of their parents. Spirited and eccentric, Lilo lives on the island of Kauai where she attends Hula classes at Kaiāulu Hale, and her hobbies include photographing tourists and overweight people, discussing horror movie creatures, and idolizing Elvis Presley, though she does not realize that her eccentricities make her an outcast among most other children. The second character is an extraterrestrial creature known as Experiment 626, who is adopted by Lilo as her pet, whom she believes to be a dog and names Stitch. Stitch was genetically engineered to cause destruction, with his original primary function being to create chaos across the galaxy by destroying everything he touches. He was designed to be extraordinarily strong, virtually indestructible, superintelligent, and very mischievous. Initially, he uses Lilo to avoid being captured by the intergalactic federation, but he and the girl form a close bond through the Hawaiian concept of ohana, or extended family, leading Stitch to reconsider his destructive purpose to keep his newly discovered family together. Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature at the 75th ceremony in 2003, its success helped make the film a standout of Disney's post-Renaissance era in the 2000s, generating a franchise that includes three direct-to-video sequels and three TV series.
Exploring the Stitch statues:
On a base featuring the sands and vegetation of the Hawaiian beaches of Kauai Island, a small blue extraterrestrial being dances joyfully on a classic old suitcase record player, inside a vintage red hand pull cart with cherished vinyl records and equipment to play them. The charismatic alien is presented in four different looks in a must-have collection of statues from Iron Studios. Stitch Hula - Disney Classics - Art Scale 1/10: In traditional themed grass skirt and lei, dancing the Hula. With a base adorned with waves around it, Iron Studios proudly presents these four models individually available, expanding its commemorative collection of Disney's 100 years, featuring scenes from the most beautiful, iconic, and unforgettable animated feature films from the dream world envisioned by Walt Disney.
Figures details:
Stitch Hula – Art Scale 1/10 measurements are 6.8 in (H) x 4.1 in (W) x 3.7 in (D) – 1.8 lb., All the options ensure an impressive display of the figures in any environment.
Special features:
The statues Stitch, Stitch King of Rock, Stitch Laundry and Stitch Hula – Art Scale 1/10 will be produced in limited edition. The diorama base presents rich details inspired by the original references.
Materials and finishing of the pieces:
Just like all the other statues manufactured by Iron Studios, these statues are made with high-quality materials such as Polystone and may contain parts in resin, PVC, metal, and fabric. In the finishing, the hand-painted statue ensures a unique and exclusive artistic touch to satisfy any collector.
Product Specifications
License: Disney
Product Type: 1:10 Scale Statue
Manufactured by: Iron Studios
Product Size: 6.8" H (172.72mm) x 4.1" W (104.14mm) x 3.7" L (93.98mm)
This item is a Pre-Order! That means it is still in production and we do not yet know delivery costs. Delivery costs will not be shown in shopping cart or orders until the item is ready to ship.
Please note that by placing this order your deposit is non-refundable unless the manufacturer cancels production.
Most sixth scale figures come double-boxed automatically when purchased through Secret Compass! Most other dealers will slap a label right on the cardboard shipper and ship that way with no protection. Secret Compass recognizes the value in your collectible figure and we always double-box the cardboard shipper, which comes fresh out of a master case so it shows no sign of shipping before it ships to you.
Because this item still in production, we do not know the final weight or dimensions, or even how many boxes there will be. Therefore, we cannot give you an accurate quote for shipping. Actual shipping rates will be determined when the item is in stock, and will be reflected on your final invoice.
The following are reasonable estimates for shipping based on the size/weight of various figures:
1/6 or 1/10 Scale Figures
Domestic: $20-$30
International: $60-$100
1/4 Scale (Premium Format Figures)
Domestic: $40-$60 per box
International: $100-$180 per box
1/3 Scale (Prime 1)
Domestic: $80-$180 per box
International: $150-$250 per box
1/2 Scale (Prime 1, Legendary Scale)
Domestic: $100-$200 per box
International: $200-$250 per box
Please note that size can vary greatly between different figures, and the above are only estimates based on figures we have seen in the past.
These estimates are by no means a guarantee of your final shipping cost - your final cost could be less or more. In the event that you aren't happy with the shipping costs, please contact us regarding other options, such as you providing your own shipping labels, a local pickup, or palletizing your order together with other figures and sending you freight on a pallet. We will always do our best to help you save money.